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What is a Barnabas Partner?

The Barnabas Group is fueled by our Partners.

Through participation in our events and our Community, you are introduced to ministries that have the potential of impacting millions of lives both locally and abroad, and your business talent and acumen are desperately needed.  Our presenting and affiliate ministries will never ask you for money. Instead, they invite you to come alongside them to help them overcome specific problems, to which your business background, resources, experience and networks are uniquely tailored to solve.


We are a Community of Partners who want to get involved in what God is doing around the world by bringing our Time, Talent and Network to help ministries increase their impact and effectiveness. Your annual Partner Donation helps us impact hundreds of ministries a year.

Partnership Benefits

1 Connection

The Barnabas Group Partners leverage their marketplace experience, skills and strengths for the benefit of ministries and the Kingdom. We connect and network with ministries to learn about one another, share ideas and determine best practices.

3 Collaboration

The Barnabas Group is collaborative – not competitive. At any given meeting, you’ll find like-minded Partners who have a heart to serve in the same category as you, providing peer-to-peer collaboration.

2 Community

The Barnabas Group Partners leverage their marketplace experience, skills and strengths for the benefit of ministries and the Kingdom. We connect and network with ministries to learn about one another, share ideas and determine best practices.

4 Calling

The Barnabas Group focuses on presenting opportunities that fit your individual talents, gifting, network and resources. TBG is not ‘donor driven’ – there are no development people – it is Partner funded through annual Partner donations and there are never direct appeals for funds at Barnabas meetings.

Join The Orange County Barnabas Group

We offer different kinds of Partnerships for Pastors, Corporate Groups and Associates. For more information contact us at

  • What does a Partner do?
    A Partner (both spouses, if married) join the Barnabas Community to do 2 things: First, they bring their skills, experience and passion to help ministries increase their impact, and Second, they come to encourage the Community and the ministries we engage with.
  • What does a Quarterly Summit look like?
    The Quarterly Summit is when our Community gathers together. We are challenged by a keynote speaker, there are then 3 - 4 ministry presentations with invitations to engage , and we promote things that are going on in and around the Barnabas Community.
  • What other opportunities are there to engage?
    The Barnabas Group provides not only the Quarterly Summits, but opportunities to network together over a meal, opportunities to learn together virtually or in person, opportunities to coach around a Consult with a ministry or to coach one-on-one with a leader, and opportunities to serve.
  • What is the time commitment?
    You determine where you engage and how much time you give. Some Partners get very involved and build an ongoing relationship with a ministry or two. Some focus on helping to solve immediate issues with many different organizations. We encourage you to get involved where you’re able to and also discourage you from trying to do everything!
  • How much is the donation to be a Partner?
    We have a couple of options: Full Partners are $2,400 annually or $200 monthly. If you pay in full we discount it to $2,000 a year by January 15th. Corporate Partners provide partnership for 2 or more people (couples) who are working with the same company/organization. Cost is $3,000 annually paid in full. Contact us for expanded Corporate Options We have special rates for Pastors. Please contact us for more information. Associate Partners are business professionals between the ages of 20 and 35. Your Partnership is $1,200 annual and provides access to The Barnabas Group as well as our Associates Community. Contact Matt for more information.
  • What does my annual donation cover?
    We always say that your annual donation is for “more than a dinner”! Your donation makes everything that happens through the Barnabas Group possible. Not only do you get access to our Summits and events, but you help provide many different services and support to ministries and ministry leaders: Coaching, Training, Encouragement and an opportunity for them to share the vision God has given them.
  • Is the donation tax deductible?
    Yes, the donation is tax deductible. You should speak with your tax professional about this.
  • What is a Barnabas Associate?
    Our Barnabas Associate Program is a full partnership program targeting young professionals between the ages of 20 and 35 years of age. Our Associates participate fully in all that Barnabas offers, but they also gather for Associate Events and receive one-to-one Coaching from a Barnabas Partner. For more information, contact us here.
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